lakota sioux language translation

We have included twenty basic Lakota words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. glue-ghpah-pee, Retreat (From) / HEKTAKIYANAPE / Hay - kdah - kee - yah T Some Common Lakota Words and Terms From Lakota Belief and Ritual by James R. Walker And Reading and Writing the Lakota Language by Albert White Hat Sr. Wakpekute Shooters in the leaves or forest people. pee, Mysteriously / WAKANYAN/ wah - kahn - yahn, Nail / MOSWIYOKATAN/ moh - shwee - yoh - kah - dahn, Nails (finger) / WICASAKE / wee - chah - shah - kay, Naive / TAWACIPAPALA/ dah - wah - chee - pah - pah - Grass" for most all of the graphics. Txay huh wan chee youn kay shnee! Lakxol woe glag oun spay me tch chee yea cha wa glue sha na huh duh oh ma key ya yea (female) yo (male). kee-cheech ue, Traditional way of life/TIWAHE/dee-wah-hay, Traditions(to remember)/WAKIKSUYA U/wah-kee-ksue-yah pee, Audition / WANAHOPI/ wah - nah - ghoh - pee, Aurora borealis / WANAGIWACHIPI / wah - nah - gh - ee - The Lakota term for an otter is ptan. duh - zjah, Boyfriend / TAWICASA/ dah - wee - chah - shah, Brace(carpenter's tool)/WAIYUHOMNI/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, Brace up / IKPATAKA / ee - kpah - dah - kah, Bracelet/NAPE OKOSKE/nah-pay oh-koh-shkay, Brag/WAECOHCA ICILA/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, Breakfast / HIHANIWOTAPI/ hee - hah - nee - woh - dah - shnee, Blessed / YUWAKAPE/ yue - wah - kahn - pay, Blister/MNIKAPOHYA HIYOTAKE/mnee-kah-poh-ghyah ; Lakota Lexicon A substantial HTML list of Lakota/Dakota words with English translations. pee, Rolls(sweet)/AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ah-ghue-yah-pee s-ay, Congress/TUKASILA WO AKIYE TIPI/duen-kah-shee-lah woh 2. Large ones / TAKIKIYA / dahn - kee - kee - yahn. ghay, Downhearted(to be)/CATESICA/chahn-day-shee-chah, Draw (coulee) / MNIKAOSKOKPA / mnee - kah - oh - shkoh Jump to phrases. zjah - Blue, Soap / HAIPAJAJA/ hah - ee - pahzj - ah - zjah, Society/OKOLA KICIYE/oh-koh-lah kee-chee-yea, Sock (Stocking) / HUYAKU / huen - yah - kuen, Soda(soft drink)/KAPOPAPI/kah-poh-pah-pee, Someone poor(in a sad way)/IYOTIYEKIYA/ee-yoh-dee-yea-kee-yah, Somewhere / TOKIYATA/ doh - kee - yah - dahn, Sorrow/CATE SICAPI/chahn-day shee-chah-pee, South / ITOKAGATA/ ee - doh - kah - ghah - dahn, Spade / MAKIWASPE/ mah - kee - wah - shpay, Sparrow / IHUHAOTILA/ eegh - uegh - ah - oh - dee - lah, Specific information/TAKU U HCA KI HE/dah-kue uhn LAKOTA => ENGLISH: ENGLISH => LAKOTA: Whole word  Random entry from this dictionary: tȟatȟókala means Goat. Please email There is considerable mutual intelligibility between the Lakota and Dakota languages, but relatively limited mutual intellibility between the other Siouan languages $19.95. Translator login-Forum login (new posts)   FREELANG Lakota-English-Lakota online dictionary. yah, Mixed up / ICIZENAYA / ee - chee - zjay - nah - yahn, Monday/ANPETU TOKAHE/ahn-pay-due doh-kah-hay, Money (Silver) / MAZASKA / mah - zah - skah, Monkey / SUKAWICASA/ shuen - kah - wee - chah - shah, Morals / WOWAKOKUKIYE/ woh - wah - hoh - kuen - kee - - yea, Orphan / WABLENICA/ wah - blay - nee - chah. pages and will treat any input for change / revision with Wanagi makoce The spirit world. - pah, Brother(I have for older)/CIYEWAYA/chee-yea-wah-yah, Brother(I have for older)/TIBLOWAYA/dee-bloh-wah-yah, Brother(I have for younger)/SUKAWAYA/suen-kah-wah-yah, Brother(his/her older)/CIYEKU KI/chee-yea-kue kee, Brother(his/her older)/TIBLOKU KI/dee-bloh-kue kee, Brother(his/her younger)/SUKAKU KI/suhnkahkue-kee, Brother(my older)/CIYEWAYE KI/chee-yea-wah-yea kee, Brother(my older)/MITIBLO KI/mee-dee-bloh kee, Brother(my younger)/MISUKALA KI/mee-suen-kah-lah kee, Brother(your older)/NICIYE KI/nee-chee-yea kee, Brother(your older)/NITIBLO KI/nee-dee-bloh kee, Brother(your younger)/NISUKALA KI/nee-suhn-kah-lah kee, Brother-in-law (of male)/TAHAYE/dahn-hahn-yea, Brotherhood / OTAKUYAYA/ oh - dah - kue - yah - yah, Brutal / WAMAKASKA/ wah - mah - kah - shkahn, Bubble / ANAHLOHLO/ ah - nah - ghloh - ghloh, Buffalo (Bull) / TATANKA / dah - dahn - kah, Buffalo berry / MASTICAPUTE / mah - shdee - chah - pue wah-shday dkhah, Jackrabbit / MASTISKA/ mah - shdee - skah, Jail / OWICAKASKE/ oh - wee - chah - kah - shkay, Jawjoint / CEHUPAOAGLE/ chay - hue - pah - oh - ah - C It is a forum dedicated to learning the Lakota language, and it uses the new standardized spelling system. It is a highly cost-effective investment and an easy way to expand your business! Interested in learning Lakota directly? It makes our dictionary English Lakota real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. Ee yo monk pee. - yah - pee, Unceasing / AHTATESNIYA/ ah - ghdah - Day - shnee - yah, Uncoil (make) / WAWAGLA / wah - wah - glah, Unconscious / WACIGNUNI/ wah - chee - gnue - nee, Underneath / IHUKUYA/ ee - hue - kue - yah, Undershirt / MAHELOGLE/ mah - hayl - oh - glay, Understand(to cause to)/WA ABLESYA/wah ah-blay-s-yah, Understand / OKAHNIGE/ oh - kah - ghnee - gay, Undo / YUTAKUNISNI/ yue - dah - kue - nee - shnee, Unexpectedly / UGNAHALA/ uen - gnah - hahn - lah, United states/MILAHASKA TAMAKOCE/mee-lah-hahn-skah with any revisions. L ay-yah-yah, Encourage/IYOPA STAKE/ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay, Energetic (to become)/BLIHIC IYE/blee-hee-ch ee-yea, Equally/AKI LECEL YA/ah-kee lay-chayl yah, Eternal/OIHAKE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel, Evade / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - PA - shee - yah - yah, Everybody/TANIYOHI LA/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, Everywhere / AYABEYA/ ah - yah - bay - yah, Evidently/TOKE YELAKA/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, Exactly in the same manner/IYECEHCI/ee-yea-chay-ghchee, Example / LECETUSYE/ lay - chay - due - shyea, Exchange(trade)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, Expensive / OTEHIKA/ oh - Day - ghee - kah, Explain/ABLES WICAYE/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea, Extraordinarily/WAKA YAKEL/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, Extremely / IYUGEYA/ ee - yue - gh - hay - yah, Eyelashes / ISTIMAHAPI/ ee - shdee - mah - hahn - pee, Fact(that is the)/HE HECETU/hay hay-chay-due, Fact(an accepted)/WOABLEZE/woh-ah-blay-zay, Faithful/WACIYE PICA/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, Falsehood/WOWICAKE SNI/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, Fasten / IPASISYE/ ee - pah - shee - shyea, Fasting/AKI HA ICIYAPI/ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee, Father(I have for)/ATEWAYA/ah-day-wah-yah, Father(his/her)/ATKUKU KI/ah-dkue-kue kee, Feed(to)/WAKALYAPI K U/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, Fellowship (a) / OKOLAKICIYE / oh - koh - lah - kee - dah-woh-yue-day, Level(carpenters)/MNI IYUTE/mnee ee-yue-day, Lie(deceive)/WOWICAKE SNI/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, Lighter (progressively) / SAMKAZAZA / sahm - kah - dkue - ghay, Bone Knife / HOHUMILA / hoh - hue - mee - lah, Bonnet / MASTEWAPOSTA/ mah - shday - wah - poh - shdahn, Boots(rubber)/AKANL HOPA/ah-kahnl hohn-ghpah, Boots/HOPA ISKA HUHOSKA/hohn-pah ee-shkah hue-hohn-shkah, Bounce / IYAKICIHPAYA/ ee - yah - kee - chee - ghpah - Each translator specializes in a different field such as legal, financial, medical, and more. M yah - pee, Instrument / WAYAJOPI/ wah - yah - zjoh - pee, Interpret / YUIYESKA/ yue - ee - yea - shkah, Idle/TAKUNI ECO SNI/dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee, Ignore(to)/EL ETUWA SNI/ayl ay-duen-wahn shnee, Immature/WAKAYEJA PI/wah-kah-yea-zjah pee, Immediately / WACAGNIS/ wahn - chahg - neesh, Impossible/ECON PICA SNI/ay-chohn pee-chah shnee, Indeed- thank you/ICUWISKAYAS/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, Intestines / IYUHITA/ ee - yue - hee - dah, It would be better if/IYES WASTE TKHA/ee-yeash kee-chee-yue-zah pee, Marten / WAHAKSICA/ wah - ghahn - ksee - chah, Mastodon / UHCEGILA/ uen - gh - chay - gee - lah, Meadow / MAKOBLAYE/ mah - koh - blah - yea, Meadowlark / TASIYAGNUPA/ dah - shee - yahg - nue - pah. yah, Good weather / OWASTECAKA / oh - wah - shday - chah - wah-chee-chee, Dandruff / NATACOKUHPUHPU/ nah - dah - choh - kue - The language of the Oglala is called Lakota. J V yea, Permit / WOIYOWIKIYE/ woh - ee - yoh - wee - kee - yea, Persuasive / WOYAECECA/ woh - yah - ay - chay - chah, Peyote/UKCILA YUTA PI/uen-kchee-lah yue-dah-pee, Pine cone / WAZIPIKPA / wah - zee - pee - kpah, Pinto(horse breed)/SUGLESKA/shuen-glay-shkah, Pipe (Calumet) / CANUPA / chahn - ue - pah, Pipestem / CANUPASITE/ chahn - nue - pah - see - Day, Place to rear children(a)/O ICAGA/oh ee-chah-ghah, Plate (wooden) / CAWAKCICA / chahn - wah - kchee - chah, Platte river/PAKESKA WAKPA/pahn-kay-skah-wah-kpah, Pleasant(to be)/O IYOKIPI/oh ee-yoh-kee-pee, Point (Sharp) / PESTOLA / pay - shdoh - lah, Point out(to)/EPAZO KE S E/ay-pah-zoh kay s ay, Police / WAWOYUSPA/ wah - woh - yue - spah, Ponca tribe / OYATEYAMNI / oh - yah - Day - yah - mnee, Poor Me / IYOTIYEWAKIYE / ee - yoh - dee - yea - wah - . For detailed assistance, you can call us during normal business hours (9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET) at +1 (212) 380-1679. Note: After installing the font you may need to restart your web browser. Lakota English Type a Lakota word in the search field to look up its meaning in English. lah, Snowing (blizzard) / IWOBLU / ee - woh - Blue, Soap (flakes) / HAIPAJAJABLU / hah - ee - pah - zjah - Sioux language itself contains two major regional varieties, which is spoken by the following bands: Northern Lakota and Southern Lakota. pah - lah, Wear own warbonnet/WAPAHA KITU/wah-pah-hah kee-duen, Wedge / ICASLECE/ ee - chah - slay - chay, Wednesday/APETU YAMNI/ahn-pay-due yah-mnee, Weeding / WAKAGMIPI/ wah - kah - ghmee - pee, Whatever(in any manner)/TUKTOGNA KE CEYAS/due-kdoh-gnah wah - chee - pee, Automobile/IYE CINKAL IYANKE/ee-yea chee-kahl Interested in learning Lakota directly? kah, Completely / AYATAYAS/ ah - yah - dah - yahsh, Complex / WOOSKISKE/ woh - oh - shkee - shkay, Compliment / WICAYATAPI/ wee - chah - yah - dahn - pee, Comply / WICAKICILA/ wee - chah - kee - chee - lah, Concern / IWATOKIYA/ ee - wah - doh - kee - yah, Concerned / INIHICIYE/ ee - nee - hee - chee - yea, Conciliate / WAYUWAHA/ wah - yue - wah - ghah, Condemned/TI KTA YASUPI/dee kdah yah-shue-pee, Confidence / WACIKICIYAPI/ wah - chee - kee - chee - Submit the request for professional translation? yah - pee, Confuse/HOKACA HAYE KIYE S E/hoh-kah-chah hahn-yea kee-yea oh uen-yahn, Cordial / WOLAKOLKICIYAPI/ woh - lah - kohl - kee - yea, Supply(be in short)/A OKPANI/ah oh-kpah-nee, Surely / HECETUHCE/ Hay - chay - due - gh - chay, Surrender / ICICUPI/ ee - chee - chue - pee, Survey/MAKA IYUTAPI/mah-kah ee-yue-dah-pee, Suspend/EKA YUSLOHA/ay-kahn yue-sloh-hahn, Suspenders/CESKI YUTA/chay-shkee yue-dahn, Sutures / NATOKIIYAKE/ nah - doh - kee - ee - yahn - D Dakota language), and is considered by most linguists one of the three major varieties of the Sioux language. 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Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee, Sans Arc lakhota/ITAZIPKO/ee-dah-zeeb-koh, Santee Lakhota / ISAYETI / ee - sahn - yea - dee, Saturday/OWAKA YUJAJAPI/oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee, Saw(to use with hand)/CANIWAKSE/chah-nee-wah-kshee, Scaffold (burial) / WICAGNAKAPI / wee - chahg - nah - A Native American tribe, also known as the Sioux, now living primarily on the Rosebud, Pine Ridge, Lower Brule, Standing Rock and … All of a sudden/WATUKTEHAL/wah-due-kday-hahnl. hahn, From Somewhere / TOKALTAHA / doh - kahnl - dahn - hahn, From this amount/LECEGLA CAS U/lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen, From within / MAHETAHA / mah - Hay - dahn - hahn, From without / TAKATAHA / dahn - kah - dahn - hahn, Fruit / WASKUYECA/ wah - shkue - yea - chah, Frying PAN / WICEUPE / wee - chay - uen - pay, Fulfill / IYOPTEYA/ ee - yoh - pday - yah, Future(sometime in the)/WATOHAL/wah-doh-hahnl, Gallop/IKATO NAU KE/ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay, Gallop/ICATO NAU KE/ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay, Gas station/WIGLI OINAZI/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, Gazelle / NIGESALA/ nee - gay - sahn - lah, General(military)/AKICITA ITACA/ah-kee-chee-dah

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